jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

What Ever¡¡¡

25 Things i hate about Facebook.

Yep, I know everbody loves Facebook, but sometimes we heat it. Dont? Try again..

I LOVE TOP FRIEND DRAMA... "I can change man, I can b a better friend"..."Im the number one? Im the number one?"

I HATEEEEEE creepy ads. Really hate it. Its disgusting and depressing and so fuckin usual. I always ignore creepy ads and I think where are the cute boys?

"They are in a relationship" "its not facebook oficiall" AHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAH I love facebook oficiall...

I can add some one more think I hate about facebook, I mean: FACEBOOK ELIMINATION DRAMA is when some one of your friends suddenly ereases U of his list of friends. U don´t get it... crying and you wonder Why? LOL Im a Facebook elimination drama Queen¡¡¡

U can´t deny sometimes u hate FB... but deep down U LOVE IT...

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Por eso no tengo Facebook. No le entendi al video :(
Pero ya empeze a leer
Dedicame un blog no? ;)

Atl Mendarte dijo...

Sera un post... Tal vez algun día, todavia no te lo mereces...hoy volvi a comer con tu prima, ya me conto TOODOOOO, :)